Computing in the UCL High-Energy Physics Group
Information for New Users
Group Internal Homepage
Desktop PCs
The desktop PCs in the HEP group run CentOS 7, and are available for remote login to all. As such, the PC in front of you is not just your PC, but may be running jobs for other users, and may have other people logged in from elsewhere. Please do not turn your PC off when you go home, and do not reboot it unless you have first consulted a member of the HEP computing support group, or at least made an effort to contact us.
Computing Wiki
General information about computing in the HEP group is on the Computing Wiki. You need to register for this (your Linux cluster username and password will not work) and your registration needs to be approved. The first time you try to access the wiki you will may have to accept the host certificate, depending on whether your browser accepts the signing authority. Then you will be presented with a login form. Click "Help" and then follow the "TwikiRegistration" link, fill in your details and click "Submit". Your account will not be created, and you will not receive a confirmation e-mail, until your registration has been approved by the support team. Please include any relevant information in the "Comments" field of the registration form to help us know that you are a group member and not a spammer. For example, let us know your supervisor's name if you are a project student. When your registration has been checked and approved, you will be sent an e-mail containing a link to follow to confirm your registration.
Remote Access
If you want to log in to the HEP Linux cluster from outside our network, you can use SSH to log in to or, and from there you can SSH to other machines, including the group's desktop PCs. If you need to use a PC but are unsure (or don't care) which, you can ssh to which will allocate you a PC. This can be different each time so if you want to get back to the same PC note down its name from your prompt and you can ssh directly to it in future.
You can use your UCL central user ID and password to access the Eduroam wireless network. To use the HEP group's wired network, see the instructions on the computing wiki under "Using Laptops". Computing support is provided by Ben Waugh, Edd Edmondson, and Tony Hoare, with some assistance from Gordon Crone and Matt Warren. The best way to contact us is usually to e-mail support @ If you e-mail one of us individually you are less likely to get a timely response.
Last modified on Wednesday, 29-Jun-2022 11:15:57 BST.