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HEP Seminars & Vivas

22 Feb 2025

UCL HEP Seminars 2003

: Peter Richardson (CERN/Durham) *TBC*

"Parton Shower Monte Carlos: The State of the Art"

: Ben Allanach (LAPTH)

"R-parity Violating SUSY" (including SUSY primer)

: Rob Edgecock (Rutherford Appleton Laboratory)

"Neutrino Factory: Physics and Prospects"

: Subir Sarkar, Oxford University

The world according to WMAP: Does cosmology now have a Standard Model?

Recent precision observations of anisotropies in the relic 2.7 K radiation by NASA's Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe are supposed to have determined the values of cosmological parameters to a few per cent, and in particular, to have established the presence of a cosmological constant. We will discuss the assumptions that underlie these results and draw attention to alternative cosmological models which also appear to be consistent with the data.

: Dr. Ruben Saakyan (UCL)

"Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay & NEMO"

: Joao Seco (ICR) — ***POSTPONED UNTIL 20/6/2003***

"Simulations for Intensity Modulated Radiation Treatment (IMRT)"

: Dr. Nigel Smith (RAL) — ***POSTPONED UNTIL 13/6/2003***

"The search for WIMPs in the UK"

: Professor Tim Sumner (Imperial College London)

"The observation of gravitational waves from space using LISA"

: Ankush Mitra (Oxford University)

"LICAS: The Linear Collider Alignment and Survey Project"

: Silvia Miglioranzi (University College London)

"Algorithms Designed to Measure b-quark Production at the ZEUS Experiment at HERA"

: Chris Damerell (Rutherford Appleton Laboratory)

"Feedback from Vertex 2002 Conference"

: Professor Karl van Bibber (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)

"A Large-Scale Search for Dark-Matter Axions"