UCL Department of Physics and Astronomy »

High Energy Physics

21 Feb 2025

Adding New Group Members

Please follow these instructions in order to add new group members to the group contacts list. Note that these need to be followed by the specific user to be added in order for the file permissions to be set correctly so that anyone can update their own details.

  1. Ensure that you have an account on plus1. If you don't, email UCL HEP support and ask for an account to be created. The default choice for username is normally first initial and surname eg dwaters.
  2. Log in to plus1 and navigate to /unix/www/html/people/newusers/.
  3. Duplicate the template file person.php.template and rename it to match your plus1 username:
    $ cp -av person.php.template dwaters.php
  4. Edit the details within the new file so that they are correct: if there's something that shouldn't be included — for example if you don't have a photo, or don't want it to appear online — comment that line out with a #. It is entirely up to you whether any information appears online, so if you don't want it included that's fine. Make sure you only create a file for yourself and that filename has the correct username.php syntax.
  5. Edit the $category line so that you are included in the right section of the list. The syntax here is strict so can only be one of the following:
    • "Academic Staff"
    • "Research Staff"
    • "Technical Staff"
    • "Admin Staff"
    • "Postgrads"
    • "MSc Students"
    • "Visitors and Emeriti"
    Make sure you are included in the correct category.
  6. Edit the $position line so that your specific position is given correctly eg. "PhD student", "Postdoctoral Research Associate", "University Research Fellow" etc. The syntax does not have to be specific as this is the text that is shown on your individual profile under your name, but having your position correct is helpful.
  7. Edit the $research line to match your research group: note that the syntax is important. In order for you to show up correctly on your research group's contacts page, the syntax needs to include the properly PHP-escaped web address of your research areas as shown in the template. If you're uncertain how this should be formatted, just ask.
  8. If you want your profile to include a photo, send a passport-type photo to Tony Hoare, Amalia Bountoureli and Simon Jolly. This photo needs to be 250 pixels by 350 pixels and ideally less than 50kB. See here for an example of our Group Leader.
  9. If you want your photo to appear on our corridor photo boards, a high resolution version of the same photo is needed, of around 2,500 pixels by 3,500 pixels ie. the same pixel ratio as the online mugshot. This should also be sent to Tony Hoare, Amalia Bountoureli and Simon Jolly.
  10. Once you've successfully created your new PHP, set the file permissions so that the web sysadmins can check and modify as necessary:
    $ chmod g+w username.php
  11. Email Simon Jolly and let him know that your file is good to go. He will then check it, make sure the photo appears correctly and add it to the main contacts directory.

Once done, you should then automatically appear in the main contacts list and also the contacts list for your individual group.

Modifying existing contact details

If you need to modify your existing contact details, you can find your PHP file in the directory /unix/www/html/people/. You can update the file yourself with your new contact information. If you need to change your photo, please contact Tony or Simon.